Saturday, August 28, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Night Photography

Inspired by Felicia's photo safari from couple weeks ago, I went with her for another safari. The theme this time is Night Photography. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the beautiful Navy Pier in Chicago. --- Stella

Felicia with our Night Safari guide :)

Chicago cityskapes.

Ferris Wheel ticket booth.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Miniature Golf

Today was the first time my daughter tried Miniature Golf. She got the forms all wrong! So much for the golf college scholarship dream... -- Stella

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New lens... 70-200/f2.8

I was using Stella's 70-200 and was falling in love with it the second I snapped a picture.

So, here I am with my zzzzoooommm lens :)

LOVE IT! --feli

here's a picture of my wilted sunflower, this was my first shot from the new lens...but somehow I like it :)

and here's my favorite:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photography class

I took a photo safari class. Basically I learned more about my camera. Now I know which White Balance or Metering I need to use, etc. We also learn about composition (which I tried to practice a lot that day).
That Sunday was so gloomy and rainy that we didn't get a chance to take pictures outdoor.
Inside the building, the instructor didn't allow us to use flash (well, what's the point of taking a class if we're using a helper).
Anyway, 100% of my pictures turned out grainy, since I was using iso 1600.
HMMMPH! --feli

Here are three of my BEST shots that day.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My favorite pics of the weekend. We went for a playdate at a friend's place and the kids were having fun with the bouncy house :) -- Stella

Here was my girl walking away sulking...not sure for what reason...

I always love taking kids' pictures because they have priceless expressions!