Saturday, October 2, 2010

Back to Photoshop?

Couple years ago, I was introduced by my friends to this photographer's wedding photo blog, Axioo. I was in awe then on how creative the Axioo team was with background setting, make up and poses. Since then, I have been following their blog and I never got tired of it. Although some themes are repeated, they always managed to keep me interested on what they will come up with next. My favorite from this year was when the Axioo team did an Alice in Wonderland pre-wedding theme. It was awesomely cool! (You could tell I am a fan).

Anyway, looking at their pictures, as much as I like plain sharp with vivid color pictures now, I also like how your creativity is challenged with what you could do with photoshop. Unfortunately, like taking pictures, there is no one class or school that you could go to, and suddenly become an expert at photoshop. You have to have the art skill and experiment with it.

So, once in a while I will post "modified" pictures, starting with this one below. This one was just slightly modified to wash out the color so the picture looks softer. Which one do you like better? -- Stella

1 comment:

  1. I like the post processed better....the skin is more natural! And yes, Axioo is something else.
